photo engraving, pre-press. imagesetting, engravers

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Traditional Prepress

Digital Prepress

Photo Engraver Ron G
Ron Getchius, Founder
Publishers' Engraving Company, Inc. has been serving the graphic arts industry in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles) since 1954. Initially, the company specialized in photoengravings to provide printing plates for letterpress printing and lithographic negatives for the emerging offset printing field. Over time, Publishers' has expanded its interests and its capabilities. Today, Publishers' Engraving is involved in several aspects of graphic arts prepress:

Traditional Prepress which includes camera negatives, film positives, halftone negatives, veloxes, negative stripping, step & repeat, and reproportioning.

Digital Prepress (service bureau) for film output from both Macintosh and Windows computer files through our laser imagesetters. Laser prints, color prints and digital color proofs are available along with scanning, and computer art preparation services.

Photoengraving plates are still being made daily for letterpress cuts, flexographic plates, foil stamping dies, blind embossing dies and silicone stamping dies. We also make plates for pantograph patterns, nameplates, and for molding purposes.

We, at Publishers' Engraving, have a commitment to quality, service and customer satisfaction. It is this commitment that has sustained us during the last five decades. It is our intention to continue in that tradition.